
Addressing the comorbidities of COPD is crucial, but it can be tricky

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often accompanied by several comorbidities, including heart disease, osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression. Two of my prominent comorbidities are gastroesophageal reflux disease and osteoarthritis. When one or more of these conditions become pervasive, it can really take the joy out of…

Being spontaneous is no longer an option with COPD

Someone asked me recently what I miss about my life before I had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Without hesitation, I answered that I missed being spontaneous. I can’t just decide, for example, that I want to go to the mailbox. I have to prepare for it, which requires…

How advances in technology have improved life with COPD

Carrying a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) or tank in a backpack is undeniably inconvenient. However, it’s important to remember that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients are in a much better position today than we were in the past, thanks to numerous advances in oxygen delivery technology. The…

How I eliminate the COPD ‘garden weeds’ of my mind

As a gardener, I sometimes imagine my mind as a garden full of various plants. Advocating for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients while living with the disease myself sometimes causes a few weeds to grow in my mind. I’ve written about how advocacy helps me stay motivated.

Let’s talk about COPD and incontinence

Incontinence ranks right up there with religion and politics as topics we don’t usually mention in polite company, partly because it’s embarrassing. But let’s discuss it anyway, because it affects many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I’m fortunate to have never had an incident with incontinence in…

A waiting game reminds me of being diagnosed with COPD

For two weeks, I’ve gone to at least two doctor appointments a week to learn what’s causing me stomach problems atop my chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but I still don’t have a definitive answer. I’ve been having pain in the area of my hiatal hernia (in the…