
Video: Bionews’ Social Media Campaign Highlights #WhatMakesMeRare

In recognition of Rare Disease Day Feb. 29, Bionews Services launched a social media campaign last month asking patients to describe what makes them rare. Running Feb. 7–29, the #WhatMakesMeRare campaign was aimed at uplifting people with rare diseases by encouraging them to share their stories and perspectives. The…

Coronavirus: What Every Pulmonary Patient Needs to Know!

You literally can’t miss it in the news these days — millions (if not billions) of people all over the world are talking about the increasing spread of “the new (novel) Coronavirus.” According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the earliest cases of COVID-19 began in the city of…

Signant, Propeller Health to Connect Systems on Inhaler Use Data

Signant Health and Propeller Health are connecting their systems to help improve asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients’ adherence to inhaled medication and symptom control. Signant said it will connect its TrialMax electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) platform to Propeller’s digital health platform for…

New Pulmonary Wellness Foundation Offers Free Online Rehab Programs

New York cardiopulmonary physical therapist Noah Greenspan has launched the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation (PWF), a nonprofit group that provides free online information on a range of prevalent, rare and ultra-rare pulmonary diseases for those who can’t afford to pay for it. PWF specifically targets patients with pulmonary fibrosis,…

New Combination Respiratory Therapy for COPD Approved by FDA

A new double-combination therapy that promotes lung expansion and airway clearance has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of people with lung diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. The therapy was developed by the Monaghan Medical Corporation  and combines two…