Social Clips

10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is extremely bad for your health and contributes to the development of many chronic diseases and illnesses. However, if you do smoke you also know how difficult it is to stop. That said, there is a long list of reasons to quit smoking and the sooner you quit, the sooner you…

How to Stay Active With a Lung Condition

This video from the British Lung Foundation emphasizes the importance of keeping active if you have a chronic lung condition. Learn all about the treatment and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Pulmonary rehabilitation is recommended for most people who suffer from severe lung…

Should You Get Tested for COPD?

People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often don’t realize they have the disease until their symptoms become quite pronounced, and by this time the disease is usually advanced. Early diagnosis gives patients better treatment options and a better quality of life, but how do you know if you’re more at risk of…

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)? In this video from the Riverside Community Hospital shared in February 2016, pulmonologist Dr. Ahmed El-Bershawi briefly talks about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Find out more about the treatment and management of COPD here. Dr. El-Bershawi explains that COPD can be one of two major lung…

6 Tips to Reduce Stress and Help You Relax

Everyone suffers from stress from time to time but when you have a chronic disease, stress not only adds to your everyday burden but can often exacerbate the symptoms of your condition. While we can’t avoid stress altogether, there are ways that we help ourselves relax more and not let things…

14 Invisible Illnesses You May Not Know About

Invisible illnesses are conditions patients have that are not obvious when looking at them. Often people with an invisible illness face a lot of prejudice; others accuse them of faking, lying or exaggerating their illness. People just don’t fully understand what patients with invisible illnesses are going through.

3 Risk Factors and Possible Causes of COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.—but what are the risk factors or probable causes for developing this lung disease? According to, there are three main risk factors for developing COPD. Smoking Smoking is the number one cause of COPD…

Tips for Coping With COPD Being diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be devastating but there are ways that you can control and manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life. This video from Health Expert shares some tips for COPD patients on how to better cope with the condition. Find…

VeinViewer Will Help Nurses With IVs and Blood Tests

Anyone with a chronic illness will testify that they spend a lot of time in the doctor’s office having blood work done. Which means getting pricked with a lot of needles, which can sometimes take two or three (or more) attempts to find a compliant vein. Here are some…