Teresa Carvalho, MS,  science writer—

Teresa holds her Master of Science in cell and molecular biology from Coimbra University, Portugal. She was a researcher and science communicator for several years at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health in Oporto, Portugal. From 2013, she has held a fellowship working with Pulmonary Hypertension Europe as a patient advocate, social media/website manager, public relations officer, and translator. Her work has been focused on providing patients access to treatments, raising awareness for pulmonary hypertension, and promoting patient empowerment.

Articles by Teresa Carvalho

New Algorithm May Find Misdiagnosis in COPD

A new algorithm-based approach was developed to identify patients at risk of being misdiagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Researchers believe this may become an important tool to help healthcare providers in diagnosing several diseases. “Our new algorithm can find the patients who have such an unusual disease…

New Breath Biopsy Panel May Help in COPD Diagnosis

A new, noninvasive breath biopsy panel — dubbed “a Breathalyzer for disease” — can distinguish several airway disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), its developer said. Launched by Owlstone Medical, the panel may help in diagnosing COPD. The tool, officially called the Respiratory Diseases Research Use Only (RUO)…

Training in Use of Inhaler Devices Seen to Help Older Patients

Training in the handling of inhaler devices improved treatment and eased clinical symptoms in older people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a study found. COPD patients with evidence of cognitive decline also benefitted from the eight-day training course. The study, “Training improves the handling of inhaler devices…